Saturday, September 24, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
My Noisy Neigbor
So I got off work Sunday morning and stayed up to watch the Chargers lose to Dallas. Then I went to sleep. I woke up around 8 pm to what sounded like God giving me some sort of ultimatum, in Espanol. "UNO. UNO. DOS. DOS. UNO. UNO." It was so loud that I could feel it in my bones. It was so loud that my windowpanes were rattling. It was so loud that car alarms were going off blocks away. When I sat up it droves poor elvis over the proverbial edge and he decided to climb me like a tree and burrow into my right ear. Just as I realized it was a stage sound check someone adjusted the volume down a few million decibles and the cat leapt from my shoulder and streaked under the bed, leaving yet another set of fresh punture marks. I got dressed and grabbed my cell phone to see what national holiday i've almost slept through this time.
As soon as I step out of the front gate the horns kick and there are some pyrotechnics. I managed to get a picture of the artists tourbus. His name is Julio Presciado and his band is loud as hell. I went to the corner and got some XX's and some itty bitty limes and sat on my front steps and listened to Julio for a bit. After about 3 beers I went back out and took some more pictures.
It wasn't til the next afternoon when I asked my landlord what the deal was he said some idiot boxer lived up on the corner and had just lost a championship fight. Guillermo was pretty bitter because he gets up to go to work around 4:30am and Julio played until 2am. I wondered how loud it would have been if the guy had won the fight. It got a weary smile from Guillermo.